Basic Workout Plan
If you just started out working on your own, don't push yourself too much. You must start slowly so you won't get hurt while training. It will take over a few months to push yourself to your maximum. Let your body get synced up with your training so your body will be more used to what you give him.
Basic Workout Plan
Basic Workout Plan
Basic Workout Plan
Basic Workout Plan
You will need a pull-up bar for these trainings I'm about to give you. It can easily be found in your workout depot or you can even use a nearby children's park for your training schedule. You will also need a weight set. If you don't want to put too much money on it, try to get some of your friends or a pawnshop. You may remember that your muscles don't care about new, rusty equipMents; you don't need to waste money for those kinds of things.
We are going to achieve a losinga gain of weight and muscles with a simple workout. There aren't any difficult or complicated exercises and you will have more energy and feel better after your very first workout.
So let's get started!
First of all, cardio is a very important step on your workout to get fit.
So 15 minutes to 30 minutes is dedicated on cardio. If you just started, walking is the best cardio workouts you can do because it will not hurt your joints but if it's too easy for you, you can jog for 15 minutes straight. Be careful, don't skip this first step each time you work out because it is the most important and valuable part. If it's too cold or raining outside, don't be tempted to skip the workout. your substitute will be a jump rope. It's an amazing cardio, its equivalent of a stationarybike or treadmill. If you can't afford a stationary bike or treadmill, give a jump rope a try. If you are overweight, it may be a bit difficult for you but your best bet for cardio is walking for starters.
I will explain crunches, Crunches are for abs.
First thing you're going to do is put your feet on the floor, knees bent this will push you lower back against the floor and put your hands behind your head for only supporting your neck. The motion will move your head up to the ceiling up and down. This is not the same of a sit-up, the motion is different. Your enTire lower back stay on the floor, your shoulders and your head is the only part moving up to the ceiling.
Push-ups, we going to do this on our knees it's the best way to start theses you may putsomething soft on your knees to avoid hurting them, we going to put our torso straight, knees bent and going down and up with a very slow motion. If it's too easy for you, you may put your feet and torso straight and do the same motion. You need to do as much as you can.If you do them speedier or about to jerking off the motion. It's time to stop because you did as many as you can.
Pull-ups, they will train your laps and your biceps.
Pull-ups is actually a very hard exercise and its take a long time to do a single pull so what we going to do is to get a chAir to push yourself up so we what we going to do is to put your hands on the bar and your feet will push yourself up so you will gain enough strength another time to do it without the help of a chAir. First of all, handsaway from us (you need to see your nails) not towards us and put your arms on the bar above our elbows another important part is to pull up right in front of your face and not behind it will provoke shoulders injuries. So keep the bar in front of your face. Again, the motion will be very slow; it should take 2 seconds to go up and 2 seconds to go down, not any Faster than this. If you are swinging or bouncing, you aren't doing this right and you will get injured.
I know ill teach you how to put them all together to our 15 minutes straight workout.
We go to start with the crunches on the floor we going to do as many as we can. That may be 3 crunches, 20 crunches it doesn't matter just do as many as you can with a good form and without any rest we going to go ahead and do the kneepush-ups, again doing as much as we can with a smooth and slow motion and if you can do anymore go ahead and stop, no rest again, you start the pull-ups and do the most pull-ups as we can and those may take you 3 or 4 minutes, take a 1 minute rest and start it all over again for 15 minutes.
So, here is the full program
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you will do 15 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of straight exercises to get it covered and the others 4 days you will only do thirty minutes of cardio and don't skip those because the heart is the most important part for your program and your general health also for losing weight and don't think because you doing this you may eat everything you like, on the contrary. You need to Watch your nutrition very carefully. It doesn'tmean diet necessarily just try to eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grain Foods don't eat fried Foods or things will allot of fat and if you want to obtain more strength you may need to eat 5 small meals a day with a small amount of proteins rather to eat 2 or 3 large meals a day.
It's about it, your beginner workout plan.
Basic Workout Plan
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