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Showing posts from May, 2013

Schumacher XP400 Instant Portable Power Source

A Jump Rope Workout to Lose That Last Bit of Stubborn Body Fat

A Jump Rope Workout to Lose That Last Bit of Stubborn Body Fat Most People Have Never Attempted a Jump Rope Workout. When was the last time you jumped rope? For most people the answer would be back in Elementary School or possibly Junior High. It's actually too bad, because it is a very efficient form of exercise. Most people could easily walk for 15 minutes, but I would bet less than 1 percent of adults could jump rope for 15 minutes straight. Very few people, besides boxers, have ever seriously used the jump rope to achieve top condition. What Muscle Groups are Worked While Jumping Rope? Jumping rope will seriously work every muscle in the body. I'm convinced that it will expose your weak links. After your first jump rope workout, you will be sore in many different parts of your body. Honestly, I think my entire body was sore after my first jump rope workout. I was especially sore in my calf muscles as well as my abs. As a side note I will say that jumping rope will help...