Getting Started in Photography - 10 Steps to Jump-Start Your Photography Business Here are ten key steps to start and grow a profitable, debt-free photography business. 1. Practice! Keep a camera with you all of the time. Study other photographers and try to emulate images that you love. Spend time learning basic and advanced image editing. Learn your camera in and out, and practice with settings and modes that you don't normally use. Take advantage of free and low cost photography blogs and web sites. Consider joining PPA, WPPI, SEP or a local photography group or club. Make a list of 50 things you want to do with your photography and try to cross of one item each week. 2. Define Your Business. Create a business name and get some cards printed up. You can get several hundred cards for under . Do your web research to make sure you aren't choosing a name that is already used. 3. Define Your Finances. Get a separate business ...
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